Staff Sergeant Donald C. WingardDonald C. Wingard was born on February 18, 1924. He was employed at the Ypsilanti Willow Run World War II Bomber Plant when he enlisted. At the age of 19 Don became pa rt of the Army Air Corp.
Don was sent to Kearns Field, Utah and then on to New Mexico. His unit was assigned to go to China Air Transport Command when 15-20 of them, including Don, were sent to the Eastern US for Basic Training.
Don boarded the Rangitiki to the WWII European Theater where he served as a Medical NCO. In England he worked in a small hospital supporting the 55th Attack Group that flew P51's and escorted bombers. They had numerous B2 buzz bombs hitting around them. Sporadically, enemy aircraft barraged the area. His unit was then moved to AAF Station Kaufbeuren, Germany on July 2 2, 1945 as part of the occupation forces. Don spent the remainder of the war, and over a year after the war, stationed with a small hospital treating the soldiers who were still in Germany.
His service experience led to an educational pursuit. Don used the GI Bill to attend Albion College. It was there that he met and later married Eleanor Watson.
He applied to the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and graduated in the top ten of his class. When looking for a location to start his practice he determined that Farmington was right for him. He opened an office on Grand River in 1955 and did not retire until the age of 83.
At 97, Don is still active in community groups. He is a member of the Xemplar Club; has worked with the Goodfellows since the mid 1950's; and attended the Masonic Lodge for years. He enjoys his many friends and wonderful neighbors in Farmington.